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12 Week Fierce & Feminine Lean Muscle Building Workouts: Phase 3

Fierce & Feminine Workout Phase female doing barbell curl

Weeks 10-12: 8-10-12 RPT (SIZE & SHRED)

*You must alternate workouts each week as: A B A, then the following week as: B A B, then back to A B A and so forth throughout the 12 weeks.

Video of Workout Protocol

Workout A RPT HIIT

Activation T20/5 7S

Banded Glute Bridges

Banded Glute Bridge Abductions

Banded Donkey Kicks

Banded Standing Lateral Raises

Banded Standing Kickbacks

Banded Forward Lunges

Banded Squats

Workout A

Superset 1: 8-10-12 RPT

Warmup Activation (See Above)

Barbell Hip Thrust

Bear Walkouts

Superset 2: 8-10-12 RPT

Warmup 1x15

Barbell Deadlift

Pushup Climber

Superset 3: 8-10-12 RPT

Warmup 1x15

Barbell Push Press

Toe Touches

Superset 4: 8-10-12 RPT

Warmup 1x15

Barbell Sumo Squat

PopUp 1-2 Punches


50 DB Hammer Curls

50 DB Side Bends

Workout B RPT HIIT

Activation T20/5 7S

Banded Glute Bridges

Banded Glute Bridge Abductions

Banded Donkey Kicks

Banded Standing Lateral Raises

Banded Standing Kickbacks

Banded Forward Lunges

Banded Squats

Workout B

Superset 1: 8-10-12 RPT

Warmup 1x15

Barbell Bench Press

Pop Squats

Superset 2: 8-10-12 RPT

Warmup 1x15

Barbell Back Squat

Plank Hip Touches

Superset 3: 12-10-8 SPT

Warmup 1x15

Barbell B.O. Row


Superset 4: 12-10-8 SPT

Warmup 1x15

DB Lateral Raises

Sky Crunches


50 Lying Leg Raises

50 DB Gorilla Twist

Tuesday and Thursday Cardio Workout (optional)

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