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12-Week Rapid Fat Loss Program Overview

Shred2Burn Overview sculptures chiseling bodies

Build Muscle And Say Goodbye To Fat

Before we begin, let’s get one thing out of our way.

This program's intention isn’t to drop the maximum amount of scale weight in 12 Weeks, it is to lose the maximum amount of body fat in a short period of time, while developing lean muscle.

This is a rapid fat loss protocol, designed to lose fat fast, while minimizing the loss of your muscle.

This is a 12 week cut, and can be used by you, if you fall under one of the two mentioned categories:

1. You are overweight and have a lot of weight to lose.

2. You have been on a gaining phase (eating in a calorie surplus) and you want to tighten everything up.

This program is for you if you are ready to go all out and give it a 100%.

Only you can save YOU!!

This protocol is simple, doable, effective and very sustainable. It’s not one of those quick weight loss programs that are advertised throughout the fitness industry and quite simply, BS!

Anyone can execute this if they are serious and willing to play the long game and establish serious lifestyle changes.

As long as you’re committed to giving your best, this protocol is for you.

This is the program I use and strongly suggest you stick to it. It’s definitely a life changing experience!

What Is Minimalism?

Minimalism is about getting rid of the things that don’t matter so we can focus on the things that do. In this program you will be adopting a minimalist lifestyle.

Fitness can be complicated. But there is a way to simplify your workouts. Taking a minimalist approach to fitness allows you to focus on the basics for maintaining fitness and wellness. With this mindset, you can rest easy that you do not need to invest in a special workout or product. Gimmicks are just clutter. The basics are enough to help you lose fat while maintaining muscle and keeping you healthy.

When tasks are complicated, it is easy to procrastinate or put it off all together. Making things simple means you are more likely to stick with the routine on a consistent basis.


Also, don’t mistake simple for laziness. It's all about training with purpose for a purpose. As the convenience of the minimalist approach sinks in, you will see the advantages of simplicity and abandoning complicated or long workouts. With these basic guidelines, you too, can be a fitness minimalist. You can become a fitness minimalist by making the most of your workouts and performing the most impactful exercises. We will keep your workouts simple and attainable, yet physically challenging. When you feel confident in your workout, you are more likely to be consistent, which is key to creating and maintaining optimal health and fitness.

Workout Philosophy Strategies

Here are the three essential components we will include in your minimalist workouts: mobility, strength and cardio. Cardio and strength training are mixed together with Drop Sets, using the in reverse pyramid protocol and low intensity cardio on rest days.  As a minimalist, we will focus on exercises that utilize big muscle groups to increase metabolic demand and functional fitness. Exercises such as squats, push-ups, bench press  are a mainstay, while small-muscle exercises such as biceps curls and calf raises are less crucial. Lifting, pushing and pulling things as you would in daily life are the movements highlighted in these workouts, so no special equipment required. Performing these movements in training will help you perform these activities with more vigor and confidence in everyday life.

In general, we will be doing  cardio, twice a week. You will be performing short 30 minute intense Cardio Core HIIT workouts. Keep it short and sweet, because remember it’s your recovery day and don’t want it to effect your next heavy lifting day. The minimalist approach fits great within these guidelines, with a focus on the most demanding or impactful exercises. Simply put, if you work harder and smarter, you can decrease the time you spend in the gym and still achieve amazing results.

Your minimalist workout should include a few minutes of preparatory or warm-up movements. To start, perform dynamic stretching that mimics the movements in your planned workout. This portion of your workout need not be extensive, but can make a big difference in the quality of your workout as a whole. It also allows for mental preparation and focus.

When it comes to strength training, we will take the full-body training approach to fitness by performing large muscle, functional-type exercises. We will focus primarily on the five major movements. For example, pushing exercises like push-ups and overhead presses; pulling exercises such as bent-over rows and pull-ups; bend-and-lift exercises such as dead lifts; rotation exercises such as wood chops; and compound movements like squats. You will perform all of these major movements in one workout every other day, three times a week.


We’ll be using a few simple but effective strategies in this program:

1-Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT) / Drop Set Hybrid is a training style in which the first set of a given exercise is performed with the heaviest weight. Each subsequent set is performed with a lighter weight but for higher reps.

Here’s an example of Reverse Pyramid Training in action:

➡️Set 1: 4 reps x 125 lbs

➡️Set 2: 8 reps x 105 lbs

➡️Set 3: 15 reps x 85 lbs

Typically, each subsequent set is 10-30% lighter than the previous one.


Before you get started you must determine your 1 rep max (1RM) on your strength training exercises.

What Is a 1RM?

Your 1RM is the absolute maximum amount that you can lift for one rep of any given exercise. A true 1RM will leave you with nothing in the tank. You’ll have the internal feeling of, “I couldn’t add more weight to the bar if I tried.” Knowing or having an estimate of your 1RM is that it facilitates better programming. A great program will be structured to progress strength and adaptations strategically. Knowing your 1RM in the relevant lifts helps dictate flow of training and continuous progressive overload toward getting stronger.


What Is Progressive Overload Training?

Progressive overload is when you gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine. This challenges your body and allows your musculoskeletal system to get stronger.

By changing up your workouts and adding additional tension to your muscles, you can avoid plateauing, which is when your body adapts to the type of exercise you’re doing. With progressive overload, you may notice you feel fitter and stronger.

Here’s why progressive overload is important for your training regimen:

Doing the same workouts over and over or using the same amount of weight every time you strength train can lead to your body plateauing. You may be able to easily lift weight that once was challenging, and you likely don’t notice any soreness or any progress being made. Progressive overload benefits your training because you’ll avoid a plateau. By changing or progressing in your workouts, you’ll keep your muscles challenged and you’ll get stronger and see more results.

2-High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT refers to a very specific and particular type of training, and it's possible to do interval training without actually doing a real HIIT workout.

The hallmark of HIIT is repeated, extremely hard bouts of work interspersed with periods of recovery. During your work intervals, you’ll be challenging yourself nearly to your max. 

Recovering before the next set is essential. “The rest periods are needed to prep the body and enable it to truly perform at its max during this very unique version of interval training. We have to recover your energy so you can lift heavy ‘shit’ (weights).

What do you need for this program?

1-A gym membership or Home gym

Yes, you can lose weight doing bodyweight exercises and HIIT. But to cut fat and gain a chiseled amazing physique, you need to lift weights.

In this program we will be lifting weights as it can be the most efficient way to minimize the potential loss of muscle tissue.

Remember, we have to lose fat, not muscle because the enemy of fat is muscle.

2-A food scale.

This is absolutely crucial for this protocol to be a success.

If you are willing to measure and track your calories, you be more successful.

Don’t be demotivated as you can lose weight without tracking.

The only way you can make this successful is by being as accurate as you can with your nutrition.

Lucky for you we will be using Intermittent Fasting as our nutritional protocol during this Rapid Fat Loss program. This will make it easy to track your calories without eating 6 meals a day.

3-Bathroom Scale

You'll need a bathroom scale to periodically weigh yourself so you can track your results. You must not dread the scale but see it as a way to collect data to help you increase your awareness of your weight and weight-related behaviors.

It may help you lose more weight and prevent you from gaining that weight back in the long-term.

4-A Fitness App

You'll need to enter everything you eat into a calorie tracker app like MyFitnessPal.

MyFitnessPal is free and works on iOS/Android. Find it in the app store.

Once you have these four things mentioned above, you are ready to execute this program.


Rapid Fat Loss Fundamentals

• Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting, also known as intermittent energy restriction, is a meal timing schedules that cycle between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a given period.

• Push your first meal as far as you can after waking up.

You will be sticking to an intermittent fasting protocol.

Aim for 4-6 hours from the time you wake up, preferably 6 would be even better. We are doing this to save more calories for later in the day.

During this period, feel free to consume black coffee or green tea.

These have almost no calories and can help you push your main meal further.


Reduce the number of meals you have.

Have 2 meals a day (1 large meal and 1 small meal) with an additional snack or two.

This might seem less to you but if you actually follow the protocol and measure your food, you’ll realize that you can still be eating a large quantity of food that fills you up for the entire day.

Of course, you can’t expect to get the same satiety if you plan on eating 1-2 donuts a day!


Drink more water.

This isn’t a wellness tip.

This is something I’m telling you to do if you want to make this as easy as possible.

Drinking water will fill you up and this in turn will lead to you consuming lesser food volume, hence, lesser calories.

It’s a small tip, but when your diet is this aggressive, everything matters.


• Keep yourself busy.

Something no one talks about. You want to make this as easy as possible? Get your mind off food and fitness.

I know this is easier said than done, especially when you’re in a caloric deficit and training hard, but it is the single most effective way to diet down. Instead, learn something new. Do something productive. You’ll realize that not eating is very easy when you have a task at hand that you really want to finish.


Train 5 days a Week

Perform 3 intense strength training workouts per week to shred fat while increasing muscle.

Perform 2 Cardio Core HIIT workouts to increase fat loss and not interrupt your recovery for strength training.



Active recovery increases blood circulation, which helps remove waste products from soft tissue that have been broken down by intense exercise. Fresh blood flow, then delivers nutrients that help repair and rebuild muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

• Sleep more

You really need sleep. You’ll end up feeling terrible if you don’t have a proper sleep schedule because this will take a toll on your body to some extent. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours. If you need more, go for it!

You have to understand that dieting will induce stress on your body and you have to allow it to recover.


• What about alcohol?

If you choose to enjoy a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage, please be mindful that it will count as part of your caloric intake.  Can you afford to chug 400-500 calories of alcohol if it makes up 20%-40% of your daily calorie intake?? It can mess up your training, your diet and your mood (because you won’t get the results).

So, If you don’t drink anyway, you got one less thing to worry about!


• Don’t look at the mirror every day

Changes take time, so don’t obsess over checking yourself out in the mirror every day.

Example of a Workout Structure

Monday- Strength Training

Tuesday- HIIT Core Cardio

Wednesday- Strength Training

Thursday- HIIT Core Cardio

Friday- Strength Training

Saturday- Off aim for 7500-10,000 steps which can equate to a 400+ calorie burn

Sunday- Off aim for 7500-10,000 steps which can equate to a 400+ calorie burn

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