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Hello Shred2Fit!!

It’s true ... an out-of-balance core can make it a LOT harder for you to reach your fitness and strength goals.

Here’s a great example, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Before I get into the hows & whys, picture this for a second:

Imagine your core is like a flexible piece of tubing made of dozens of intertwining muscles. One of its many jobs is to support your torso and protect your spine as it powers your arms and legs, keeping everything stable, balanced, and strong.

Now imagine you bend that tube and leave it for a few hours on a chair. Eventually, some parts of the tube get tighter and others get stretched out – resulting in weakness and imbalance.

Keep that scenario in mind! Because we’re going to talk about…


Imagine putting a barbell on the upper back of the tube that’s been sitting all day.

Because it’s out of balance, with the muscles in the front tighter than the back, all those intertwining muscles can’t provide as much assistance and stabilization as they normally would.

That means the tube naturally folds forward during the squatting motion, putting a lot of extra pressure on the lower back part of the tube.


BUT … if all of the muscles were working together to hold the tube upright during the squat, it could have transferred more of the weight down to the legs, which would have not only been safer but also would have accommodated more weight on the barbell.

This same principle applies to almost every strength exercise!

Sooo … what can you do to make sure your “tube” is strong and stable, with all of its intertwined muscles in balance and working together properly?

Make time for specific core and mobility work!

Here’s a quick routine you can do to help balance your muscles if you sit a lot.

1. Grab a foam or hard roller and roll out those tight hip flexors: (my personal favorite:

get into a plank from your forearms, with the roll under one of your hips. Gently roll back and forth for about 30 seconds, paying special attention to spots that feel tight. Repeat on the other side.

BONUS: Also roll out your quads (the muscles in the front of your thighs).

2. Fire up your glutes with bridges: This move also works your core. Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, push up through your heels and lift your hips up toward the ceiling, really squeezing through your glute muscles. Repeat for 15-20 reps.

NOTE: If your hip flexors are super tight it can affect how well your glutes do their job so it pays to really focus.

3. Work on rotational strength with a woodchopper: Hold a light to a medium dumbbell with both hands and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Twist slightly so that the dumbbell is by your right thigh, and abs braced, move the dumbbell at a 45º angle so that it rotates toward (and above) your left shoulder. Return to the starting position and repeat for 8-10 reps.

Repeat on the other side.

4. Challenge your entire core with a forearm plank: Get into a push-up position but bend your arms so that your weight is on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders.

Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels, your abs and glutes tight and strong.

Make sure you breathe! Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

Those are some exercises to get you started. I hope they help make a difference in your strength and help you get the results you’re working for.

If you’d like some specific guidance to help you with your goals, let’s talk! We are always here for you!!!

The FREE Stronger To The Core Challenge starts today!!! Download your FREE guide here and lets go!!!

Have a great day!


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I’ve got an eye-opener for you today. It’s all about warning signs that your core muscles are getting weak.

This is HUGE for your fitness & wellness because your core muscles are some of the most important in your body.

They support your spine and your internal organs, and they power almost every movement you make.

The problem is, our lifestyles work against having a strong core – and over time your muscles can get weaker without you even realizing it! This can set you up for poor posture, injuries, aches & pains, and more!

Have you noticed any of these warning signs?

7 Warning Signs You Have a Weak Core

1. You have to use your arms to help you get out of bed or out of a chair. This one can be super sneaky because you can do it subconsciously.

Here’s a test to try right now: sit down in a chair, wait a few seconds, and then stand up. Did you automatically reach out to grab a table, desk, or even put your hands on your thighs to push you up?

Here’s another test to do first thing tomorrow morning: when you are still lying in bed, pay attention to how you get up. Do you use your hands to push you into a sitting position to get up?

Both are signs your core could use some strengthening!

2. You notice you’re slouching when you’re driving or at your desk. This is another one of those subconscious signs.

The more (and longer) you sit, the more you’re apt to slouch. It only makes sense because over time your muscles get tired of holding you up!

But this can make it harder for your lungs to expand when you breathe … it can make pretty much all of the muscles in the front of your body become tight and inflexible … and can make you feel fatigued and even depressed!

And eventually, it can even lead to weakness.

3. Your balance is off. Your core muscles help keep you stable, especially if you have to make any sudden moves, stand on one foot, or do anything that involves rotating or twisting.

Try standing on one foot for 15-30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

If you find yourself wobbling, try this: think about “zipping up” through your core muscles while you stand on one foot. Did it help? (Make sure you breathe! More on that below.)

4. You feel weak or off-balance when you do certain movements like a throw or kick.

When you move with force, your core fires up to keep you stable – especially during unilateral (one-sided) motions.

Not being able to generate much force is a sign your core is weak.

5. Your plank form is off. Having a hard time getting into a proper plank position is a BIG sign your core is lacking strength!

A plank requires that your entire body is in proper alignment. That means you’re in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels.

Your shoulders, back, and butt should all be neutral (not hunched, lifted, or sagging), your neck should be long and strong, and your legs engaged. If you’re having difficulty, it means you might have some imbalances in those muscles.

NOTE: Holding a plank in improper form can actually reinforce any weaknesses/imbalances you have, so finding that “perfect” form is VERY IMPORTANT.

6. You hold your breath when you do planks and other core exercises.

This matters because of a muscle deep inside your body – your diaphragm! Not only does your diaphragm play a key role in your breathing, but it also works with your deep core muscles.

If you can’t breathe and hold a plank (or do other core exercises) at the same time, chances are it’s because your core muscles are weak.

This is just one reason why coaches always cue you to breathe. :)

7. Your hip flexors/legs get tired when you are doing ab & core exercises like bicycles or bird dogs.

When your core is weak, your body can recruit other muscles to do the exercises!

If you notice that happening to you, focus on 1) engaging your core, 2) moving more intentionally, 3) breathing, and 4) modifying the movement by going more slowly or shortening your range of motion until your core is stronger.

Paying attention to all of these warning signs can help you build a strong core that supports your body for a healthy, active, and fit life!

And the best part is that you’re never alone! We’re here to help you in your fitness/wellness journey...

WE will be strengthening our core together starting on Monday!! Won't you join us?? It is FREE!! All you need to do is download your Free Guide to get you started!!

Committed to your Success,

Coach Jess


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🔥 💪 It’s officially “core” month around here and I want to share my ALL-TIME favorite core exercise. (And as we strengthen and shrink our core, we will enhance the booty with all our booty band action we have going around!)

It’s Bar to Bell (Barbell, Kettlebell)

(BTW: I am starting up a free “Stronger to the Core” 5-day challenge and you should definitely come join us. Check it out at:

✅ ANYWAY … here's why I love the Bar to Bell so much.

👉🏽 What’s YOUR favorite core exercise, and why? I want to know! Leave me a comment (or better yet, tag me on a photo of you in action!).

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