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This month I’ve been talking a lot about setting the tone for a productive, fulfilling and successful year.

And I’m not done yet. :)

I want to talk about your ENVIRONMENT and whether it is supporting your goals …

… or if it’s hurting you.

There are two steps to create a more supportive environment:

→ First: Your environment should make it easier to follow through on your goals AND...

→ Second: It should also make it harder to NOT follow through on your goals.

Yes, these are two different things!

I have a few examples.

If you have set a goal of exercising before work,

→ First: make it easier to follow through. Have your workout clothes, water bottle, and exercise gear ready to go and waiting for you by the door.

→ Second: make it harder NOT to follow through. Force yourself to get out of bed by placing your phone (or whatever you use as an alarm) across the room, so you have to get up and turn it off.

If your goal is to clean up your nutrition,

→ First: Have healthier options ready to go in your pantry and fridge.

→ Second: Don’t keep processed or junk foods in your home (or have someone else place them out of your view if you must have them at home).

If you’re taking a break from TV,

→ First: Have a replacement activity ready (reading, working out, starting a new side hustle)

→ Second: Put the remote in a drawer so it’s out of sight/mind … or even more radically, rearrange your furniture so your TV isn’t the main focal point of your living room.

You get the picture.

It’s like a one-two punch to help propel you forward!

As we head into this weekend, think about ONE change you can make in each category so you can set up your environment for success.

Make it an amazing day,

Coach Jess

Time is Running Out!! February Fat Blaster 28 Day Challenge starts on Monday Feb 1st. Let's blast the fat and replace it with sexy lean muscle. More Info and sign up info here:


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✅ A: When you work out, your muscles use their stored glycogen as fuel. Plus, exercise can break down your muscle proteins.

What and when you eat can both help refuel your muscles AND repair them!

Your muscles are especially receptive to refueling in the 30 to 45 minutes right after your workouts, so that’s the optimal time to eat your post-workout snack.

What should you eat in your snack? Here’s what research suggests:

Protein: Aim for 0.14 to 0.23 grams per pound of bodyweight (or 0.3 to 0.5 grams per kg) of protein to help repair your muscles. For most everyone, that’s between 20 to 40 grams of protein.

Carbohydrate: Shoot for about 0.5 to 0.7 grams of carbs per pound (1.1 to 1.5 grams per kg).

A good shortcut to follow is to eat 3x as many carb grams as protein.

Some ideas:

Eggs & oatmeal

Protein shake with banana and berries

Greek yogurt with fruit

All that being said … what you eat ALL day will have the biggest impact on your results, of course :-)

What’s YOUR favorite thing to eat after a workout?! 👇👇

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I’m going to blow the lid off something people don’t talk a lot about when it comes to a “balanced life” and reaching for your goals.

It’s almost impossible to have both at the same time.

When you’re in the process of making changes in your life, no matter what they are, it’s absolutely NORMAL for your life to get a little out of balance. At least for a short while.

I’m talking about times when …

  • You’re starting a new job or a new business.

  • Working on a health, wellness, or fitness goal.

  • Saving to pay off student debt.

  • You have a family goal (like a new baby in the house, or you’re suddenly in charge of your children’s schoolwork).

You only have so many hours in a day, with a limited amount of energy!

When you’re faced with a real-life “out of balance” goal or situation, there are a couple of things you can do about it.

First, accept it.

“To everything, there is a season…”

That’s been solid wisdom for thousands of years – because it’s TRUE!

If you try to do it “all” … it’ll almost always just lead to disappointment, burnout, and unneeded stress.

Second, try to give the other areas of your life SOME attention.

I’m talking about things related to:

  • Finances/money

  • Your family and your friends

  • Your health and wellness

  • Your self-development and learning

  • Your spirit

If you ignore those areas of your life, before long you might find yourself feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and feel like something is missing from your life (because it is!).

You might not be able to devote time to every area of your life every day, but carving out time once a week can make a real difference.

You can also upgrade how you spend your time!

For instance, let’s say you’re working on a nutrition goal for the New Year.

If you normally order takeout or go out to eat with the family on the weekends -- and end up indulging in meals that don’t align with your goals -- what if instead you created a new “family dinner” at-home routine?

Everyone could chip in and help prepare dinner together - and if you have kids in the house who are old enough, maybe THEY can be (mostly) in charge.

Your family will remember these times for years to come … AND you’ll all be eating healthier foods.

That’s a win-win!

I hope this helps you as you tackle your 2021 goals – so you can set yourself up for success!

Make it an incredible day,

Coach Jess

PS: The February Fat Blaster 28 Day Challenge starts on Monday!!! We have a delicious meal plan and incredible workouts ready for ya!! Learn more here:

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